“As a building contractor, I have had the pleasure of working with Bailey's Qualtiy Plumbing and Heating LLC for many years. Quality, time assurance, and professionalism has always been a priority for Phil and his team. It gives me a great peace of mind knowing that things will be handled with just a phone call. (Outstanding Service)”
- David Esterle Builidng LLC
Commercial & Industrial
- Chiller Systems
- Air Lines
- Gas Lines
- Process Piping
- Radiant Floor Heating
- Sewer Lines
- Water lines
- Back Flow Testing
- New Install
- Repair
- New Construction
- Restuarants
- Office Buildings
- Churches
- Banks
- Schools
- Retail
- Schools
- Dr. Office Remodel
- Auto Dealership Addition
- Nursing Home
- Car Lot Remodel
- Warehouse
- Industrial
- Commercial
- Hotel Remodels

Completed ProjectsList
- Drug Store
- Car Wash
- Grocery Store
- Country Club
- College Bathroom
- Remodel & additions
- Tire Centers
- Banks